Tech Support BBS: Blue Ridge Express 804-790-1675 30 Phone Lines (2400 bd) Sub-board KEITHL ("J KEITHL") Electronic mail on GEnie: ORION.MICRO CompuServe: 72240,1221 AOL: k.ledbetter Listed below is a chart of my other shareware and freeware utilities, along with the current version number of each. Also listed is the filename that you will find them under on BBS systems (please note that they may be different on your favorite BBS's, but it should help you at least get close to locating them). When you register one of my Shareware programs, you will receive a disk with all of these utilities on it. Filename Version Description ----------- ------- ------------------------------- SST_53a.ZIP 5.3a The ultimate file-finder program. Until recently this was simply called "WhereIs". It's now been renamed to "Supersonic Search Tool" to avoid confusion with other programs. Shareware: $15 LCD_40b.ZIP 2.1a "Led's Change Directory" is an intelligent directory changing program. This program was voted one of "the 10 best utilities of 1990" by the "Public (software) Library" magazine. Shareware: $15 AV_12.ZIP 1.2 "Archive Viewer" is used to display the names of members of all of the popular archiving programs (ZIP, ARC, LHARC, PKARC, ZOO, PAK). No longer do you have to struggle remembering the syntax to 6 different archiving programs. Freeware: $0 X_30.ZIP 3.0 "X: The Executioner" can save you a lot of disk space. X allows you to ZIP down those seldom-used-but-hard-to-delete .COM, .EXE, and .BAT files into one system "Command Library". You can then execute them easily by simply typing an "x" in front of the command line (eg: "x chkdsk c:"). Freeware: $0 ADMENU30.ZIP 3.0 If you own an Adlib Music card, you need this program. It allows you to ZIP down all of those .ROL song files you've accumulated, yet still play them with no extra effort! Uses a mouse-able, easy-on-the-eyes window system. Freeware: $0 DELDIR12.ZIP 1.2 "Delete Directory" allows you to delete an entire directory (and all directories under it) with one quick command. You will be shown totals of what you are about to delete and then be asked to confirm (the confirm process can be over-ridden from the command line). Freeware: $0 DIRSIZ11.ZIP 1.1 "Directory Size Information" allows you to easily determine the total size (in both files and bytes) of any directory. Freeware: $0 DUPICO10.ZIP 1.0 "Duplicate Icon Deleter" is for any Windows 3.0 user who has accumulated tons of icons. It will go through a directory and delete all duplicate icon images, regardless of what they are named. Freeware: $0 TIMER10.ZIP 1.0 This program allows you to easily time the execution of any program. Simply use TIMER to invoke the command (eg: "timer chkdsk C:") and you will be shown, at the completion of the command, the elapsed time. Freeware: $0 UNTAB10.ZIP 1.0 One of the fastest "un-tab" programs you will find. It takes the specified input file and copies it to the specified output file, replacing all tab characters with hard blanks (you specify the "tab size"). Freeware: $0 SPACE10.ZIP 1.0 This program gives a textual and bar-chart display of the free space available on all of your drives. Network compatible. Freeware: $0 You can download all of these files from the Blue Ridge Express in Richmond, VA. This is the official tech support board for all of my software, and there's a special "Keith Ledbetter" message section where you can quickly get your questions answered. Once you log on, just do a "J KEITHL" to join my sub-board. First-time callers have access to both my message base and all of my download files. The Blue Ridge Express is a first-class BBS, with 30 phone lines; no need to worry about getting a busy signal! The number is: The Blue Ridge Express BBS 804-790-1675 All of my software can also be obtained from the following places: Alternative Personal Software 269 Springside Drive Suite C Hamilton, Ontario Canada L9B 1P8 Tel: (416) 577-4068 PC Assist Limited 4 Carruber's Close 135 High Street Edinburgh, EH1 1SJ Scotland Tel: 031-557-6432 BroCo Software P. O. Box 446 3760 AK SOEST Holland Tel: 31-2155-26650 EURO BOARD John Warren Postfach 3920 ZERMATT, VS Switzerland BBS: (0228) / 476-111-06 (Swiss Telepac) End of document.